Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cancun 12/2009 行程

Airline: Mexicana
Hotel: Presidente Intercontinental Caucun (4星級)
機票+8夜旅館,$899 per person
SFO long term parking: Burlingame/Hilton airport,9天共$54
Cancun airport to hotel transportation: Day Travel,roundtrip $17 per person

12/24 SFO-MEX-CUN。散步到Plaza Caracol及Forum by the sea

12/25 早上走路到Plaza Caracol附近的K's Cafe吃日本人經營的日式早餐,再搭公車到downtown逛Market 28,單程每人7.5 peso,接著走到附近的Walmart採買。晚餐從旅館走路到KM 9.5的Forum mall旁的Carlos n Charlies用餐,持2x1 entertainment plus card可以買一送一,它是一間很歡樂但很貴的餐廳

12/26 早上九點搭免費的計程車到Puerto Morelos附近的Mayan Palace,下午去當地人的shopping mall: Playa Las Americas購買隱形眼鏡,在food court吃了實惠又好吃的牛排,搭車到downtown ADO巴士站查看第二天的時刻表

12/27 早上搭公車到downtown ADO車站,搭乘10點的Mayab巴士到Xcaret,晚上看完Mexico spectacular秀之後,再搭ADO巴士回到Cancun,會直接送到hotel zone的任何旅館前,很方便。晚上再到taco torta express吃美味的消夜

12/28 參加ATV & Cenote tour,早上八點出發,搭包含的免費轎車接送到Puerto Morelos的叢林ATV辦公室,兩人共騎一台ATV,在叢林間的小路騎了26公里,並到兩個cenote進行跳水、游泳,我也從五層樓高的懸崖跳入cenote,非常過癮,但是衝力過大,落水處有點黑青。這是個非常值得推薦的tour,評價非常高。晚餐去旅館旁的KFC,墨西哥的雞比美國的好吃。

12/29 搭公車到downtown轉搭廂型車小巴到Puerto Juarez碼頭,搭渡輪到女人島,單程70 peso,在島上的North Beach悠閒的晒太陽,吃了幾攤路邊攤及冰淇淋,也在沙灘上的餐廳吃了全魚,再原路回到Cancun,搭公車直奔位於hotel zone KM 15的El Shrimp Bucket海鮮餐廳,吃了一條全魚及一桶椰子蝦。吃太飽後散步到KM 13的Kukulkan plaza再搭公車回旅館

12/30 早上9:45出發參加網路上預訂的Chichen Itza Light and Sound tour,白天參觀Chichen Itza金字塔古蹟,在Ik Kil cenote游泳、跳水,buffet晚餐,晚上再次參觀Chichen Itza的夜間燈光秀,十點半送回旅館

12/31 中午搭公車到KM 12.5的La Isla Shopping Mall,吃了麥當勞,下午在interactive aquarium進行重頭戲,swim with dolphin。包括interact, hand shake, kiss, foot push等等,非常精采。晚餐回到旅館旁的taco torta express

1/1 在旅館的沙灘上體驗跨年,沙灘上有音樂震天巨響的跨年party。中午搭shuttle到機場。CUN-MEX-SFO,Hilton SFO airport的停車費九天只要$54,是個驚喜

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Cancun is a city full of activities for every type of person and in fact several hotels offer the experience of Day Pass that includes activities for children, on the other hand also have created tours for children that are safe and fun and besides that Transportation services from the airport to the hotel equal it unlike Los Cabos, Cancun is much more accessible
