以前華人手機行會提供免費解碼,但後來AT&T願意免費提供unlock/subsidy code,所以不再需要華人手機行的幫助就能免費解碼。
而華人手機行的確常常有特別的優惠,例如買一送一,但都是free/cheap after rebate
以我這次想辦的手機為例,辦兩隻Sony w760a或兩隻LG Shine號稱只要$50
但是必須當場付$150,幾個月後再收到$100的mail-in rebate
還要參加data/message plan (每個月最少多付$10,至少付6個月才能取消data plan)
我有興趣的手機每支約70~120,如果參加data plan則降$20,也有$50的mail-in rebate,也要原價加稅
後來去到Costco,發現有好一點: 手機款式不多,但價錢是$0~$70,不必參加data plan,以打折價$60~$120的價錢加稅 (不是以$250的原價加稅)。
最厲害的竟然是Walmart! 手機也有好幾款,最神奇的是LG Shine和Sony W760a(只有賣一種顏色)竟然是$0! 而且是以$0加稅,所以總支出是$0
LG Shine有2MP的相機及閃光燈、microSD卡槽
Sony w760a有3MP的相機、FM收音機、內建GPS、加速度計(可以搖晃換曲)、M2卡槽
兩支都有3G上網,不過我不使用手機上網的功能,所以已經想辦法關掉 (以避免3G耗電以及不小心按到上網紐)
就能恢復一些GPS相關的原廠功能 (例如測量每天活動範圍、活動距離等)
另外我發現Sony w760a並沒有被AT&T鎖碼,而LG shine就有
過兩天打算打電話AT&T去取得unlock code
過去幾年我們夫妻拿過的免費手機: Motorola V180, Motorola V551, Nokia 3120, Panasonic GD55, Nokia 3100, Nokia 6102, Nokia 6126, Motorola V3xx,幾乎全部都是3頻/4頻機
我快要可以開二手手機專賣店了 (事實上有好幾支都借給家人/朋友,因為用不完)
smart & useful! :D
ReplyDeleteI now use a Motorola C139 GSM GoPhone. I want to decode it and use T-mobile $6 USD prepaid card + another T-mobile SIM in the future.
ReplyDeleteCan you let me know how?
Is it very complicated?
My IMEI:011323002302753
The thing is...must I purchase the unlock code? $25USD is more expensive than my Motorola C139=$20USD
which I think is not worth it. Is there another way?
Thank you so much for offering your insights, which saves a lot of my time & money & energy. :D
Moto C139這種$20的廉價手機根本不值得unlock
ReplyDelete如果你非用T Mobile不可,就去買一個新的package,都有附$20左右的廉價手機,甚至比C139功能還好
我是不知你為何要用T Mobile,它是有一個plan還蠻適合某些人
prepaid一般我會推薦用net10,每年$200可以用2000多分鐘,手機也是免費 (LG300G,價值$30以上)
每年只用1000分鐘以下的人可以用T Mobile或tracfone (後者也有滿坑滿谷的$10手機deal)
Thank you so much for your suggestion. I think I'm a poor student and not earning any $, so as long as it can function I'm fine with it haha! I don't care about other features, the main concern is to provide others a way to reach me for emergency, so the more $ I can save, the merrier.
ReplyDeleteSkype seems to have even lower rate. Have any one of you tried the cordless phone for skype?
but seems like those cordless phones are all very expensive, except corded phones are of only around $25 USD.
I'm almost hermit like and never chat over 10 mins on the phone, so I think Go phone is kind of a waste paying $1 USD for a day's activation....hm..can you give me some suggestion given you're an expert in this field?
cordless phone是家用無線電話,不是行動電話,只有在家裡才收得到訊號(就是家用市內電話的一種)
你顯然選錯計畫了,AT&T Go phone有另一種計畫是沒有日費的,每分鐘一律都是$0.25; 你如果很少用,應該選這種。(但還是不建議,理由如下)
總之,你如果一個月只講80分鐘以內,應該用T Mobile或tracfone,每年$100,找不到更便宜的了; 每個月講160分鐘以內的話應該用net10,每年$200
AT&T的go phone是最貴的,不建議使用。
不像T mobile/tracfone有800~1000分鐘,若選正確的plan的話,也不會有日費的問題
I signed up the T-mobile $100 plan you suggested already! It is definitely way better than ATT for me, except I heard that T-mobile has lower reception rate in Mountain area??? Is it so?
ReplyDeleteBtw, do you know Roaming?
I have some confusions. Does North American GSM roaming means "out of my area code"? Which means I have to pay $0.49/min for calling # of area codes other than my own, even my rate plan is $10C/min ?
...I'm too lazy to ask them online now, it takes more time than asking you XD
Roaming is a feature that allows T-Mobile customers to use their GSM phone outside of their home service area.
Currently, there are two types of roaming: North American GSM and International GSM.
* North American GSM roaming allows subscribers to use their T-Mobile phones on a GSM network outside of their home service area. It costs $0.49 per minute plus applicable long-distance charges. All of your GSM calling features will work when roaming except: First incoming minute FREE, state-wide toll-free, weekends FREE, America Toll-Free, and T-Mobile to T-Mobile discount.
* International GSM roaming allows customers to use their T-Mobile phones on another country's GSM network.
ReplyDeleteI thought what you mean is:
corded phone = with cord
cordless phone = 家用無線電話
WiFi Phone = Make and receive Skype calls wherever you have WiFi access
so, unless I purchase WiFi Phone + buy Verison Wireless/any wireless service
=> I can have the benefit of both cheap skype rate & convenience of a cell phone.
=> the problem is that costs even more...maybe in the future they will make it cheaper this way??
However, I think corded/cordless phone w/skype can be even a replacement for my land phone. I just moved so I don't even have a land phone. XD
thanks for your help!
ReplyDelete各家的prepaid,都包含nationwide roaming and long distance; 我不知道你從哪裡抄來那一段話,顯然你弄錯對象。
你沒弄懂什麼叫Wi-FI,它是電腦使用的無線網路 (機場/咖啡店上網的方式); Wi-FI phone就是使用這些電腦網路來進行網路電話(例如skype),其實就是一個不使用電腦來撥接的網路電話
所以如果你所在的地方有免費或低價的無線電腦網路,那麼你就可以使用電腦或wi-fi phone來打網路電話
cordless phone就是landline phone的一種; 你如果沒有landline phone,那麼當然不可能使用cordless phone
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ReplyDeleteI drive in Mountain Area alone often and I have both ATT & T-mobile phone. So I think I can use ATT in mountain Area when necessary. :)
ReplyDeleteIsn't VerZion a type of WiFi service?
According to what you said, must I get a landline phone in order to use cordless phone? hm...are you sure? :O?? I thought as long as my PC is on and I connect the corded phone to PC, or set up the cordless phone provided from skype, then I don't need to set up landline.
Otherwise, if I still need to set up the landline what's the point of buying it right? :P
You just don't get it.
要使用VoIP,家裡必須有寬頻網路 (電腦不一定要開著,看設定方式)
有了寬頻網路,再買一個VoIP adapter,才能把landline(corded or cordless)電話接到網路上
你說的Skype cordless phone是內建skype的cordless phone,它必須和家裡的VoIP基地台連結才能收到訊號 (最遠通常300公尺)
不論如何,cordless phone依然是landline的一種。而landline有傳統式或VoIP式,後者現在很流行,但一樣要交月費,有一定的營運成本,也可以取得一個landline的門號,也和所有landline電話相容。
同時維持at&t和t mobile兩個預付門號不是很划算。每年要至少100+100=$200美金的成本
oh...我以為你說的Landline strictly 只指舊式傳統電話,現在我懂了
ReplyDelete謝謝! :D
ReplyDeletelandline(家用電話) vs Mobile (行動電話)
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ReplyDelete$70 T-Mobile Prepaid SIM Card Unlimited Talk, Text, & Web